Emotions Cards
This deck of cards (beautifully illustrated!) is a learning and teaching aid designed to deepen one’s understanding of emotions as well as social and emotional intelligence skills.
A deck of emotion cards to help guide your learning and the learning of others. Use them by yourself, in one-on-one settings with clients, or with groups.
What you get with this learning tool
This deck of illustrated cards will help you, or your clients, to develop:
- emotional self-awareness
- emotional vocabulary
- awareness of the emotional landscapes of others
- shared understanding between people
- a more nuanced understanding of emotions and the myriad ways they inform our lives
- other emotional intelligence skills
This deck comes with:
- 87 illustrated emotions
- Instructions for four activities
- Instructions for online access to more games and activities
Activities include
- Emotional Vocabulary Exercise
- Problem Solving Activity
- Self-Actualization Activity
- Three Memories Exercise
- More online!