Assessment and Coaching


Take the assessment, get a report, with a one hour debrief and two follow up coaching sessions.

Get assessed and coached

Assessment and coaching is the best way to improve your emotional intelligence skills. With this introductory package, you take the assessment, get a report, with a one hour debrief and two follow up coaching sessions.

What you get:

  • EQ-i 2.0 assessment
  • Report (leadership or workplace)
  • One hour assessment debrief
  • Two follow up coaching sessions

EQ assessment: how we measure emotional intelligence

Assessment of your emotional quotient, or EQ, is not an end in itself. It’s a means to an end.

Having an assessment gives you increased self-awareness so you can best decide your next steps to becoming better and more effective at being in touch with your own emotions and those of others. But this isn’t the end either. This opens doors to having better conversations, better relationships. It opens doors to being a more effective leader, a stronger team player.

The end is to be more effective at work – and life.

So measurement of your emotional quotient is the first step.

We recommend using the model of emotional intelligence first formulated by Dr. Reuven Bar-On. It’s now licensed by Multi-Health System Inc.

assess, predict, perfectAssess, predict, perform

The Emotional Quotient Inventory is a fifteen dimensional model of emotional capacities. For example, ones ability to have strong interpersonal skills is different than their capacity to be intelligently aware of themselves. So these capacities need to be measured separately. Further, your ability to be intelligently aware of yourself, or self-perception, can be further analyzed into its component parts: self-regard, self-actualization, and emotional self-awareness.

Contact us

If you have questions, please get in touch.

1-888-365-2282 Toll free
604-224-2358 Vancouver
403-775-0041 Calgary
416-907-4215 Toronto
613-366-2882  Ottawa

Additional information

Report type

Leadership report